
WDSW小道 has a 5 year history broadcasting from the campus of Delta State University. 空间站于11月发射. 2015年6月6日,目标是提供面向社区的广播节目.

三角洲州总统威廉. LaForge said the university is grateful for all of the private donors and the many donations of time and resources that enabled the station to begin broadcasting.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载基金会, 还有朋友和支持者, helped us achieve this goal by providing in-kind and private-dollar contributions,他说. “这一切都是私人资助的,我们希望能继续下去.”

As the university continues to build its reputation nationally through quality academic programs in music and culture, the station offers unique opportunities for Delta State students and the surrounding community, LaForge补充道.

“The radio station will give us a little pizzazz as a university and a community,他说. “We have new opportunities to keep our constituencies apprised of events and activities. It will also give some of our students a chance to participate in the broadcast end of it. This will certainly be a nice addition to Delta State’s focus on music and culture.”

This initial launch is the result of years of planning and commitment from numerous people within the Delta State family.

当上总统后不久, LaForge voiced his desire for a campus radio station to build and share the unique culture and diversity found at Delta State and in the Mississippi Delta as a whole, 博士说. 米歇尔·罗伯茨,办公室主任兼大学关系副校长.

电台捐款人先生. 和夫人. J. 博伊德·英格拉姆与三角洲州总统威廉·拉福吉.

“然而,大部分工作是在过去几个月里完成的,”她补充说. “三角洲州有许多优秀的人,他们不知疲倦地工作,以确保它的成功, and those who have been involved in getting this station up and running in such a short amount of time are to be commended. I offer special thanks to the [then] staff in Communications and 市场营销 — Jennifer Farish, 4月蒙迪, 和利·爱默生.

Tricia Walker Director Emeritus of the Delta Music Institute and Professor of Practice Emeritus, Entertainment Music Studies at Delta State has been one of the primary champions behind the station’s creation and said she has always been a fan of college/community radio and the eclectic mix of programming it offers.

In first reSearching the possibility of getting a station at Delta State nearly a decade ago, she and others on the Delta State staff found that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does not open up frequencies very often, 当他们这么做的时候, 申请无线电执照的时间窗口通常很短.

So, in 2013, when the FCC announced a window of time that applications for an Low Power FM license would be accepted, 每个人都知道是时候采取行动了.

“A group of campus/community radio fans convened to discuss the possibilities,沃克说. “在那个早期的群体中,我就是我自己, 唐·艾伦·米切尔, 克伦贝尔, 将千斤顶, 米歇尔·约翰森, 还有已故的多萝西·肖恩. 校园里还有帕特·韦伯斯特(Pat Webster)等与电台有联系的人, 马特•琼斯, 以及前KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载教授罗恩·道格拉斯.”

The application for an LPFM construction permit was submitted to the FCC and was awarded to Delta State on Jan. 27, 2014. 一旦建筑许可证被签发, the station had to be on the air within 18 months or the construction permit would expire.

Mr. 埃德·切拉达正在为广播电台安装天线.

为了赶上最后期限,必须争取一些慷慨的捐助者的帮助. 对可用的呼吁书进行了研究, 在2015年的夏天, the station was born through the generous donation of equipment by Delta State alumnus J. 博伊德·英格拉姆和三角洲电台的拉里·弗斯, DSU基金会的支持, 以及埃德·切拉达和以利亚·蒙迪一家的辛勤工作. Thanks to their time and support, the FCC granted the license to Delta State on July 27, 2015.

沃克说,最初的发射只是空间站的一个起点, 它的目标是大大扩大其地方项目和社区参与. 从包括蓝调在内的各种音乐混合开始, 经典摇滚和流行音乐, the station will seek to develop a broad mix of community-oriented programs created and supported by volunteers both from the Delta State campus and the community.

“I believe we will begin to develop a great group of programmers who will put together some really interesting, 有关, 为校园和周边社区提供娱乐节目,”她说。. “原创节目将是你在其他电视台找不到的东西.”

The involvement of students and community volunteers will be essential in order for the station to achieve its mission “to engage in and celebrate the diversity of Cleveland and Delta State University through alternative, 非商业性, community-targeted radio programming and to offer broadcast learning opportunities for community members and the Delta State family,该电视台的网站上写道.

“We need students and citizens who enjoy being part of building something from the ground up to sign up as volunteers and programmers,沃克说. “This is not the type of station where you have to have a particular type of radio-sounding voice. We are looking for dedicated folks who have a passion for the “theatre of the mind” that is radio.”

四月星期一和她的父亲先生. 以利亚蒙迪.

People of all ages and backgrounds are needed for the station to grow in the year to come, she added.

“I really hope the campus and community will take ownership of the station in the sense of making it their own through programs that address issues important to the community as well as unique music programs,她解释道. “公民问题, 学校的问题, 庆祝活动, 当地新闻,“电台应该代表整个社区的声音.”

In 2019, 聘请了全职电台经理斯蒂芬妮·桑德林, WDSW’s mission changed slightly to include radio broadcast courses which will give students current job skills that industry professionals such as Radio Cleveland’s Kevin Cox and JJ Jobe President of RWPC Inc. 有没有向大学提出广播业需要的建议.  Radio courses are scheduled to begin Fall 2020 through a partnership with the Delta Music Institute.

WDSW小道诞生于4月15日, 2020年作为根, blues and rock ‘n roll station while maintaining that vision for community service that enriches the Delta and beyond with music and programming heard nowhere else.   WDSW小道 will continue to rely on community underwriting both by businesses and individuals.

For more information on WDSW小道 or how you can pledge your support to the station, visit WDSW.ORG.